Hannah vows no free rides for officials at Paris Olympics

Sports minister ensures strict oversight of accreditation card distribution for those accompanying national athletes

While the Olympic Council of Malaysia handles accreditation, Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh emphasises that only essential officials involved in athlete support will be approved, in line with directives to eliminate extravagance. – Alif Omar/Scoop pic, June 29, 2024

SERDANG – Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has assured that no unnecessary accreditation cards will be issued to officials accompanying national athletes to the Paris Olympic Games next month.

Concerns arose about the distribution of accreditation cards, especially after Malaysia’s women’s singles player, Goh Jin Wei, had to travel to Paris without her coach, Nova Armada. 

Hannah reiterated that Nova is committed to two para-badminton athletes, Cheah Liek Hou and Muhammad Fareez Annuar, who are also preparing for the Paris Paralympic Games immediately after the Olympics.

While the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) handles accreditation card distribution, Hannah assured that only essential sports officials with critical roles will accompany the athletes.

“Regarding accreditation, it is handled by the OCM, with discussions involving the National Sports Council and the coaches. Our contingent for the Olympics is not large, and not many will be going,” she said after attending the National Combat Sports Championship opening ceremony at Universiti Putra Malaysia here today.

“Each sport will have limitations because I know everyone wants to go to the Olympics, even we at the Youth and Sports Ministry will not send many people. That’s why we will go according to schedule.

“Badminton has the most representatives, so the Badminton Association of Malaysia will finalise their selection of representatives.”

Hannah stressed the importance of preventing officials from enjoying unnecessary perks in Paris, aligning with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s directive to eliminate extravagance. 

She added that only one or two officials from the Sports Ministry will accompany the Malaysian contingent. 

“If possible, only one or two people will go. We will not go with a large entourage.”

She highlighted her commitment to budget efficiency, prioritising national athletes.

“Following the prime minister’s policy, there is no extravagance. You can verify this. 

“I went to the Road to Gold meeting in Japan alone, with no officials. 

“All budgets will ensure that our national athletes are prioritised,” she said. – June 29, 2024