Drag bike race in Pekan not sanctioned by MAM, says Youth and Sports Ministry

The ministry had asked the MAM to carry out a follow up action with the organiser to get a clear picture of the incident

KBS chief secretary Dr K. Nagulendran said the organiser of the event must take responsibility for the incident that happened at the Speedway Circuit, in Pekan, Pahang, last Sunday. – Bernama pic, September 5, 2023

PUTRAJAYA – The Malaysia Drag Bike National ET Record Championship Road Tour 2023, which saw professional drag racer Muhammad Hattem Rashdi killed during the race, did not get the approval of the Motorsport Association of Malaysia (MAM).

Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS) chief secretary Dr K. Nagulendran said the organiser of the championship must take responsibility for the incident that happened at the Speedway Circuit, Taman Tasik Abu Bakar, Pekan, Pahang, last Sunday.

“We have checked the validity of the event and found that the organiser did not get the sanction (from MAM) and the programme was not supported by KBS.

“So, we regret the incident had happened but we feel that the people who organised this event should be responsible because I don’t think it’s right to do the event without proper sanctioning and safety measures put in place,” he said during a press conference held in conjunction with National Sports Day (HSN), today.

He added that KBS had asked the MAM to carry out a follow up action together with the organiser to get a clear picture of the incident.

Nagulendran said organisers of sports activities must not only seek approval from the respective National Sports Associations but must also seek approval from the Sports Commissioner’s office.

He added that the introduction of the Safe Sports Code by KBS was a move in the right direction to avoid such mishaps in the future.

The code is a guideline for a safe sports environment that emphasises the roles and responsibilities of all parties in dealing with any form of harassment and abuse.

Muhammad Hattem, 22, whose motorcycle lost control and crashed on the first day of the race at 12.30am on September 3, passed away 24 hours later while receiving treatment at Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital in Kuantan.

The victim was representing ESR Motor in the race. – September 5, 2023