[WATCH] No holds barred as Joanne Kam, Ning Baizura and Shazmin Shamsuddin take on taboo topics in an all-new podcast show

PODaBOOM launches its first all-star women’s talk show dubbed The WOW Show

KUALA LUMPUR – When three friends, united by almost three decades of shared experiences, decide to have a chat, you can bet it’s going to be one lively conversation. 

Comedian Joanne Kam, singer Ning Baizura, and Shazmin Shamsuddin, the former radio broadcaster turned podcaster, not only share a deep friendship but also a knack for keeping it real and humorous without holding anything back.

Their easy camaraderie inspired them to launch The WOW Show – a podcast that transcends generational boundaries. 

Joanne, Ning, and Shazmin, all proud members of Generation X, bring a wealth of life experiences, a dash of irreverence, and a fearless attitude to the table. They approach taboo subjects and difficult discussions in a down-to-earth, relatable manner.

As PODaBOOM head Shazmin puts it, being Gen Xers means they are old enough to know better, still young enough to do it, but experienced enough to do it better.

These strong, iconic women delve into a variety of topics on The WOW Show, ranging from career and workplace challenges, relationships, and societal issues to parenting, health, mental wellness, and navigating the complexities of sex and dating in middle age.

The genesis of The WOW Show is a story of chance and serendipity. A casual encounter at a nail salon between Ning and Joanne sparked the idea for a round-table talk show.

According to Ning, a talk show such as this had been on her mind for a while and it was during the conversation with Joanne over manicures that the seed of the idea took root. Joanne pitched the idea to Shazmin, whom she had previously collaborated with on another project, and the trio knew they had something special.

Reflecting on the journey, Ning recalls: “It was all talk until the stars aligned themselves. This was definitely something we manifested!”

Joanne adds: “Shazmin had asked me to do a podcast with her a year ago, but the timing was never right for either of us. Despite things getting even busier this year, the timing was perfect for all three of us – so here we are.”

Their inaugural episode titled “Of Death, Dude Ranches and Dreams for 2024” has the trio looking back on the year that was, and their hopes for some big miracles for 2024.

Tune in every Wednesday to catch The WOW Show on the PODaBOOM channel on YouTube and Spotify, where these dynamic women explore the myriad facets of the female experience with wit, wisdom, and a touch of humour.

PODaBOOM is the podcast arm of Big Boom Media Sdn Bhd and aims to carry a diverse range of talk show titles and content that matter to Malaysians. – December 27, 2023