Labuan’s 4G coverage reaches 99% with 61.68Mbps speed

MCMC also plans to install 44 base stations on island for 5G, 26 are completed

Labuan now has 99.00% 4G coverage in populated areas across the island with an average speed of 61.68Mbps. – Pixabay pic, September 21, 2023

LABUAN – The 4G mobile broadband coverage in the country’s international business and financial centre of Labuan has reached 99.00% of populated areas as of the second quarter of this year, with an average speed of 61.68Mbps. 

The Federal Territories Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) director Roy Alias Amir said the broadband coverage through the National Digital Network Plan (Jendela) had shown encouraging achievements, with six new telecommunication towers completed, in addition to the existing 141 towers. 

“The two new telecommunication towers in Kg Lubok Temiang and Kg Pohon Batu which are among the six towers are set to benefit between  5,000 to 6,000 consumers residing in the vicinity,” he told Bernama today. 

He said the MCMC has planned to install 44 base stations at several strategic locations in three clusters of Gersik, Layang-Layangan and Sg Lada in this island for the 5G network, with 26 stations having already completed. 

“The installation of these base stations will contribute to 60.1% 5G coverage across the island. 

“We expect the remaining stations to be completed by the end of the year or next year,” he said. 

Meanwhile, Roy Alias said the 5G coverage in Putrajaya stands at 97.3% and 97.6% in Kuala Lumpur. 

He also said a total of 109 existing telecommunication structures in this island have been upgraded, and 6,651 fibre optic connections to premises have also been completed as of the second quarter of 2023. 

This will contribute to improving the quality of communication services in Labuan. 

Roy Alias said the MCMC had discussed the prolonged issue of internet access affected by the power outages. 

“We have had discussions with the telecommunication service providers to ensure internet access continues working despite the occurrence of power outages…they  will get back to us for the back up plans,” he said. – September 21, 2023