Anwar’s reported reply on meritocracy not the whole story: netizens

A netizen opined that Anwar had actually provided the student with a clear and coherent response to her queries

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim addressing students during the Temu Anwar: Bicara Pendidikan MADANI programme at Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang. — Anwar Ibrahim Facebook pic, August 6, 2023

KUALA LUMPUR – Netizens are calling on the people to see the bigger picture behind Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s “misinterpreted” stance on meritocracy and abolishing the quota system in education. 

This followed an edited clip from a news portal which gave the impression that Anwar was dismissive of a student for asking whether the government intends to abolish the quota system due its unfairness to minorities.

The clip however, failed not fully highlight his reasoning following her question.

Twitter user @reshanast opined that Anwar had actually provided the student with a clear and coherent response to her queries.

“He took her as an adult asking a valid question and gave her straight facts without any glaze. To me, that’s professionalism.”

Meanwhile, user @The5H5615 lauded Anwar for responding to a question that detailed sensitive issues in the nation.

“Who dares touch on this issue? (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad) tweets about race every day. (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin)? He will lose a lot of votes and lose all Malay-majority seats if he touches on this issue.”

While agreeing that Anwar spoke the truth, user @fuadbinothman said the Prime Minister’s approach to talking about the opposition needed improvements.

“His (Anwar’s) response to the question was acceptable, but when he spoke about the implications of PAS and Bersatu governing, it came off as somewhat menacing. I believe his communication skills could be improved,”

Based on the unedited recording of Anwar’s response, the Prime Minister explained that the concept of meritocracy without fairness is flawed, as students from poorer backgrounds are often disadvantaged and do not have the means to compete with those who are privileged.

“You want to talk about merit, but you do not know the schools where the poor are learning,” he said during in a meet-and-greet programme at Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang recently.

“You do not understand that (these) people do not have enough (money) to eat, and (they) must compete with other students from cities,”

“As the Prime Minister, I don’t want to protect those in Malay colleges, I want to protect all in this country, that is our policy.” 

Anwar, who is also the Finance Minister, commented that all schools will receive assistance, irrespective of their medium of instruction.

He also raised a hypothetical scenario where a school may have the comfort of providing 60 computers, but another school may see about a thousand students forced to share one device.

“Merit has to be rewarded, but do not deny (people) the need for affirmative action,” he said.

In the edited version of the video, Anwar warned that the government will lose the election, should it abolish the quota system, and the nation will suffer under the leadership of PAS and Bersatu. — August 6, 2023