KUALA LUMPUR – The federal government has put in place an interim refund mechanism to reimburse the difference between the new diesel retail price of RM3.35 per litre and the subsidised price for eligible vehicles.
Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan in a statement today said the mechanism was a temporary facility and aimed at helping those with eligible logistics vehicles who had applied for fleet cards but were yet to receive them.
This interim reimbursement mechanism is intended to cover the additional expenditure incurred until the fleet card is received, up to a maximum of two months, whichever is earlier.
“The government wants the targeted diesel subsidy scheme’s implementation to run smoothly and will, therefore, continue to monitor the logistics sector’s developments.
“There is no reason for logistics businesses to raise prices and consequently burden the people.
“The refunds are a temporary measure set up by the government to assist logistics service providers from being affected by the change in diesel fuel’s retail price,” Amir said.
Logistics vehicle owners who have received approvals from the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry, but have yet to receive their fleet cards, can apply for reimbursement from July 1 through the Budi Madani portal at https://budimadani.gov.my.
They would have to retain their diesel purchase receipts for audit purposes. To be eligible for the refunds, logistics vehicle owners would have to apply and receive the Domestic Trade Ministry’s approval under the Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS) 2.0 by June 30.
Amir also urged eligible logistics vehicle owners who had yet to apply for fleet cards under SKDS 2.0 to do so promptly at https://mysubsidi.kpdn.gov.my. – June 12, 2024