Don’t ditch SPM, social media influencers tell youths dreaming of online success

Competition stiff and income uncertain, better to treat it as a hobby and not a career, they say

Some 10,000 SPM students did not sit for the 2023 examination, the education director-general has said. – Bernama pic, June 1, 2024

KUALA LUMPUR – Being a social media influencer is not a lasting career, despite the popularity and high income it can bring, internet personality Ryzal Ibrahim has advised teenagers.

It is also not an “easy” job as competition is stiff, and the income uncertain, said the 32-year-old, who spoke to Scoop about the recent news that some 10,000 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students did not sit for the 2023 examination. 

Parent Action Group for Education chairperson Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim then attributed the absenteeism in part to the idea that wealth and status could be attained without qualifications by becoming a social media influencer.

Ryzal, whose full name is Nik Muhammad Ryzal Ibrahim, said being a social media influencer would not be a permanent career as one’s popularity could fade over time.

“It cannot be denied that influencers can earn a lot of money. But that’s what blinds young people. Once they see the money, it becomes a measure of success. So, they compete to become YouTubers, TikTokers or influencers, and neglect their education.

“But they don’t realise that income depends on popularity. If you have a name (in the industry), insya-Allah, you’ll be okay. But if you rely solely on influencer income, the longest you can sustain it is about two years.

“Even if you think you’ve made it, new influencers will emerge, and brands won’t use the same faces throughout the year. So, this career does not guarantee a future,” said Ryzal, who is married to another social media celebrity, South Korean Maryam Younarae.

Ryzal Ibrahim has warned of the fleeting fame that could come with being an influencer. – Ryzal Ibrahim Facebook pic, June 1, 2024

His advice to youths planning to make a career out of being influencers is to treat it as a hobby or interest, rather than a full-time job.

“It’s a hobby that yields significant returns for some fortunate and lucky people. It might be true for some influencers that they do not need academic qualifications to be successful, but I don’t think this is the case for the majority,” said Ryzal, who has over 404,000 followers on Instagram and almost just as many on Facebook.

Ryzal, who also owns a Korean restaurant here, stressed the importance of education not only for qualifications, but in shaping a person’s character and equipping them with skills.

“Even to be an influencer, you need knowledge. Without financial management skills, an income of RM1 million can be quickly spent.

“Once influencers get their money, some of them spend freely, buying cars, and think it’s okay because they believe they will get more jobs later.

“They don’t have a Plan B. That’s why education is very important,” he added.

Adrian Edy has pointed out that most people who attempt to become influencers are not successful. – Adrian Edy Facebook pic, June 1, 2024

Sabahan Adrian Edy Siaw, with 1.2 million followers on TikTok, said it was alarming that students thought they did not need education qualifications and could rely on becoming influencers.

He fears the country would lack a skilled and educated workforce if this mindset is not addressed.

He also reminded teenagers that for every successful influencer they follow, there are many others who are struggling.

“Out of 100 influencers, maybe only one or two can make a good income. That’s why I’ve emphasised (in my content) that SPM is important. To find a job, you definitely need SPM,” the 28-year-old told Scoop.

It is a grave mistake to think that academic qualifications are unnecessary, according to Izzar Anwari. – Izzar Anwari Facebook pic, June 1, 2024

The influencer of Sino-Kadazan descent said youths should study for and choose careers that could guarantee their future and a stable income, as earnings fluctuated and would not last for internet personalities.

Dr Mohd Izzar Anwari Abdul Khani, who has over 196,000 followers on Instagram, said on the platform that youths were making a grave mistake if they thought the SPM was unnecessary.

“Knowledge is the foundation of our behaviour and actions. With the right knowledge, we can understand what is good and bad with greater depth,” he said. – June 1, 2024